Category: Alumni (4)

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  • Category: Alumni (4)
Alumni Report
Alumni Report
Alumni Report
Alumni Report

Alumni Report

At Alumni Report you can see all Alumni details.Go to Reports >Alumni here select Pass Out Session, Class and Section to see Alumni list.

How To Create Alumni Events?

You can create Events for Alumni and send event notification to Alumni. Go to Alumni > Events , here click on Add Events  button to open Add Event window Here select event for All Alumni or select for Class – Section then enter Event Title, Event Date (Start – End), Note , if you want to send notification to Alumni then also enter Event Notification Message then check on Email or SMS option and

How to Add Alumni?

You can add only those students in Alumni who had pass out from school that means at time of promote student you have selected Leave for Next Session Status . To add Alumni go to Alumni > Manage Alumni, at this page select Pass Out Session, Class, and Section to see pass out students list, here in students List View Action column click on + icon button . At Alumni

About Alumni

The Alumni module is for managing former students records like their current contact numbers, address and occupation etc. You can also create Events for alumni and send notifications to alumni. Alumni Module Workflow: In Alumni Module first we will add pass out students in alumni then we will create events for alumni.

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About Alumni