Category: Common Issues & Troubleshooting (16)

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  • Category: Common Issues & Troubleshooting (16)
Email Send Not Working
Email Send Not Working
Email Send Not Working
Email Send Not Working

Email Send Not Working

After adding student or staff if you found there is no email is sending by system then there may be email configuration issue on your server / Smart School. In Smart School we have used phpmailer library which is used by many popular php application like WordPress, Drupal, SugarCRM, Yii, Joomla etc. By default SendMail is set as Email

Image Upload Not Working In Media Manager

If you are uploading image or any file in Front CMS > Media Manager and its not uploading and nothing happened then please check your hosting phpinfo details for fileinfo extension is enabled/installed on your hosting server. If fileinfo extension missing on your server then contact your hosting provider for enabling/installing fileinfo extension on your server. Due to missing fileinfo extension Smart School media manager is unable

LAN Access Networking Setup

If you have hosted Smart School on your local server and want to use in local LAN network then your Smart School hosting machine should have static ip address (not be dynamic assigned by your modem DHCP). Here suppose your server hosting machine have ip address then when you are installing Smart School then you should


If Smart School showing ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY error message on your server that means on your hosting ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY is enabled in your mysql SQL_MODE. This issue comes due to on some hosting server mysql is not configured properly. Please contact to your hosting provider to disable/removeONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY in your hosting mysql SQL_MODE or follow the below instruction to fix this issue (it will require full root access of your

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