Category: FAQ (23)

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  • Category: FAQ (23)
I have question, where should I ask?
I have question, where should I ask?
I have question, where should I ask?
I have question, where should I ask?

I have question, where should I ask?

If you have any general questions don’t hesitate to contact us on and for support questions you can open support ticket at

How to find my Envato Market Purchase Code for an item?

To find Envato Market Purchase Code for an item check this guide.

How to enable display error message?

By default display error messages are disabled in Smart School that is the reason every time if there is any error occurred system is showing 500 error message. This is due to Smart School environment is set for production . To enable display error message you should change Smart School environment from production to development. Please do the

Can I use Smart School on localhost or local LAN network?

Yes, you can use Smart School on localhost installation (using XAMPP or WAMP) and access it in your local LAN (Local Area Network) from other pc in network. How to configure Smart School for local LAN network please check this article.

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Can I use Smart School on localhost or local LAN network?
Can I use Smart School on localhost or local LAN network?