Category: Online Examinations (13)

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  • Category: Online Examinations (13)
How to add question on particular exam?
How to add question on particular exam?
How to add question on particular exam?
How to add question on particular exam?

How to add question on particular exam?

To add question on particular exam, go to Online Examinations > Online Exam then click on Question icon present at Action column in the exam list, at click of this icon Select Question modal will be open. Now select Subject, Class, Section and then click on Search button. After searching, all the questions related to that subject will be visible to you, then select the question you

How to add Online Exam?

To add online exam, go to Online Examinations > Online Exam then click on Add Exam button present at top right corner of the online exam list page, at click of this button Exam modal will be open. Here enter the Exam Title, Exam From, Exam To, Time Duration and select Attempt (its maximum attempt limit of particular student exam for every assigned student), Passing Percentage, Publish Exam (if

How to import question in question bank?

To import question in question bank, go to Online Examination > Question Bank then click on Import button present at top right corner of the page and then select Subject , Class, Section and attach CSV file and then click on the Upload button. You can also download sample CSV file by clicking Download icon present at the top right corner of the model. Once sample CSV file

How to add Question Bank?

To add question bank, go to Online Examinations > Question Bank then click on Add Question button present at top right corner of the question bank page, at click of this button Question modal will be open. Here select the Subject,Question Type, Question Level, Class, Section and Question then click on Save button. You can view this added record in Question Bank page.  Note – Math type plugin is a paid plugin so to

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How to add Question Bank?
How to add Question Bank?