Category: Student Information (25)

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  • Category: Student Information (25)
How to add Student House?
How to add Student House?
How to add Student House?
How to add Student House?

How to add Student House?

To add student house, go to Student Information > Student House then enter house Name and Description and then click on Save button. You can view this added record in the Student House List on right side of the page. To edit student house click on Edit icon and to delete student house click on Delete icon present in the student house list.

How to create Student Categories?

To  create student category, go to Student Information > Student Categories then enter Category and then click on the Save button. You can view this added record in the Category List on the right side of the page. To edit student category click on Edit icon and to delete student category click on Delete icon present in the category list.

About Student Information

Student information module is a collection of data all the students. It is used for keep maintaining end to end details of students including student category, admission, sibling, bank details, parent/guardian details etc. Student information module workflow– First we will add Student Categories, Student House and then take Student Admission and then Online Admission, Student Details. If you want to

How to send bulk Email?

To send Email in bulk, go to Student Information > Bulk Mail then select Class and Section then click on the Search button, at click of this button searched record will be show on the below of the page. Now select Message To (Student, Parent, Both) and Notification Type (Student admission, Login Credential, Both) and select students whom you want to send Email and then click on

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How to send bulk Email?
How to send bulk Email?