Category: System Settings (20)

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  • Category: System Settings (20)
How to check System Update?
How to check System Update?
How to check System Update?
How to check System Update?

How to check System Update?

To check Smart School Version, login from superadmin panel and then go to System Settings > System Update link. Here you can see your current Smart School Version and also update to the newest version if available any.

How to allowed File/Image type extension?

To manage File/Image type extension go to System Setting >> File Type, then enter Allowed Extension, Allowed MIME type and Upload Size for file and image and then click to Save button.

Student Profile Update

This feature is used to allow student and parent to update student profile details. To grant rights to student and parent for student profile updates, Superadmin need to login in Smart School. After login go to System Settings > Student Profile Update and enable Allowed editable form fields and then click to Save button. If you do not want to allow

How to Disable System Field?

To disable system field, go to System Settings > System Field. Here you can see all enabled field. You can enable/disable any system field in student and staff. To disable system field, click on Toggle button present in Action column, at click of this button it will ask you to confirm, after your confirmation system field will be disabled and

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How to Disable System Field?
How to Disable System Field?