Category: System Settings (20)

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  • Category: System Settings (20)
How to manage language?
How to manage language?
How to manage language?
How to manage language?

How to manage language?

You can enable multiple languages and select your default language. To change language key phrases, go your language directory e.g. for English language go to the file /application/language/English/app_files/system_lang.php . Where as /application/language/English/form_validation_lang.php file is used for validation message text. Here we are providing 76 language in our Smart School –1. Afrikaans2. Albanian3. Amharic4. Arabic5. Azerbaijan6. Basque7. Bengali8. Bosnian9.

How to manage Backup/ Restore process?

Backup and recovery describes the process of creating and storing copies of data that can be used to protect organizations against data loss. The purpose of the backup is to create a copy of data that can be recovered in the event of a primary data failure. Primary data failures can be the result of

How to add Roles Permission?

A user’s role determines what they can and cannot do in a site. Each role has a default set of permissions. We can assign different permission to different user according to their roles. To add roles, go to System Settings > Roles Permission then enter role Name and then click on Save button. You can view this added record in the Role

How to manage Front CMS Setting?

To manage front CMS setting, go to System Settings > Front CMS Setting then Enable/ Disable Front CMS, Sidebar, Language RTL Text Mode fields and check Sidebar Option, upload Logo (369px X 76px), Favicon (32px X 32px) and then enter Footer Text, Google Analytics, WhatsApp URL, Facebook URL, Twitter URL, YouTube URL, Google URL, Linkedin URL, Instagram URL, Pinterest URL and select Current Theme (there

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How to manage Front CMS Setting?
How to manage Front CMS Setting?