Category: Common Issues & Troubleshooting (16)

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  • Category: Common Issues & Troubleshooting (16)
Avoid using special character
Avoid using special character
Avoid using special character
Avoid using special character

Avoid using special character

In Smart School avoid to enter or using special character (special character is non-alphabetic and non-numeric like @, #, $, <, %, ^, &, *, !) for any field like Student, Staff, Income, Expense, Transport, Custom Field etc, otherwise it may fail PHP or JavaScript processing.

Unable To Download Database SQL File

Your getting this message because Mod_Security is preventing download of sql file on your hosting server so you should disable Mod_Security on your hosting or please contact your hosting support for this issue.

After adding staff or student no email is receiving?

After adding staff or student if no email is receiving or there is no any email send by system then your email setting is not configured properly so system is unable to send any email. To configure email please check this article.

Logo Is Not Updating

After updating logo if you are still seeing old logo then clear your browser cache to see updated logo. To clear browser cache in Chrome browser use keyboard button combination Ctrl + Shift + r or go to setting to clear your browser cache.

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Logo Is Not Updating
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