Category: Student/Parent Panel (19)

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  • Category: Student/Parent Panel (19)
How to view Hostel Rooms?
How to view Hostel Rooms?
How to view Hostel Rooms?
How to view Hostel Rooms?

How to view Hostel Rooms?

To view hostel rooms, go to sidebar menu and follow Hostel Room link, here student can see all hostel room details. You can search any Hostel by entering Hostel, Room Type, Room Number/Name, Number of Bed, Status and Cost Per Bed.

How to view Transport Routes list?

To view transport route, go to sidebar menu and follow Transport Routes link, here student can see all transport routes list. You can search any route by enter Route Title. To view assigned vehicle, click on Click To View button present at Vehicle column in the transport routes page, at click of this button Vehicle Details modal will be open. Here student

How to add teacher’s review?

To add teacher review, go to sidebar menu and click on Teacher Review link then click on Add icon present in Rate column in the teacher reviews page, at click of this icon Rate modal will be open. Here add Rating and enter Comment and then click on Save button.

How to view Books list in Library?

To view book list, go to sidebar menu and click on Library > Books,ere you can search any book by entering Book Title, Publisher, Author, Subject, Rack Number, Qty, Book Price and Post Date. To view issued book list, go to sidebar menu and click on Library > Book Issued, here student can see all the book that has been issued to him/her. Student can search any book by

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How to view Books list in Library?
How to view Books list in Library?