How student can view message in Notice Board?
To view message in notice board, go to sidebar menu and click on Notice Board link. Here students can see their messages sent by the admin & teacher.
To view message in notice board, go to sidebar menu and click on Notice Board link. Here students can see their messages sent by the admin & teacher.
To check exam result, go to sidebar menu and follow Examination > Exam Result, here you see exam result.
To check exam schedule, go to sidebar menu and follow Examinations > Exam Schedule. Here you can see all exam list. To view exam schedule click on View icon present at Action column in exam schedule page, at click of this icon Examination modal will be open. Here you can see exam schedule details.
To check monthly attendance, go to sidebar menu and follow Attendance link. Here select the Month and you can see all monthly attendance report. Here the green color indicates student’s present. Note – If type of attendance is selected Period wise (from admin side), then you will see Period Wise Attendance not Day Wise Attendance .