Category: Student/Parent Panel (19)

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  • Category: Student/Parent Panel (19)
How to check Syllabus Status?
How to check Syllabus Status?
How to check Syllabus Status?
How to check Syllabus Status?

How to check Syllabus Status?

To check syllabus status, go to sidebar menu and follow Syllabus Status link. Here student can see all subject syllabus status.

How to check Lesson plan schedule?

To check Lesson Plan schedule, go to sidebar menu and follow Lesson Plan. Here student can check Date Wise and Day Wise schedule.To view schedule, click on View icon present in lesson plan page, at click of this icon Lesson Plan modal will be open. Here you can see lesson plan schedule like Class, Subject, Date, Lesson, Topic, Sub Topic etc.

How to view class timetable

To view class timetable, go to sidebar menu and click on the Class Timetable link. Here you can see your weekly class timetable according to the ascending order of time.

How to login Student/Parent panel?

Login to student panel via URL http://yourdomain/site/userlogin. If student belongs to multiple classes then you need to choose your class (If you are login as Parent and you have more than one child then it will show you all the classes of all children) from the given modal, system will store your selected class as your

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How to login Student/Parent panel?
How to login Student/Parent panel?